Room 15 Notices



  • Whiteboards, pens and pencils are needed everyday in the classroom - please check your child has these!
  • Keep up the daily reading!
  • Remember your swimming togs everyday
  • Monday 12th December - Living Springs Trip
  • Wednesday 14th December - Beach Ed Trip
  • Friday 16th December - Year3/4 singing concert at Knox Church (5pm)

Dear Parents

It is hard to believe that we are into Week 8 already - only a few weeks left to go! We are still very busy in Room 15 with some great writing, reading and inquiry activities taking place. Next Thursday will be the last day that reading books will come home, as all books must be returned by Friday 9th December. The following week we will  be focusing on online reading and poetry.  Please return any books that you may find at home, belonging to St Albans School.

We had a great day on Wednesday at Athletics Day.  Please check our blog for some photos of the day!  We were so impressed with the great sportsmanship and the effort that everyone put in, to be their best!  Well done!

Our Maths interchange has now finished for the year.  We will end the last few weeks by focusing on Time and Coordinates.  Please continue to use Study ladder and access our class blog for activities on the Maths Blog.

Keep checking our class blog.  There is a lot of updates always being added and there will be reminders about up and coming class events added as needed!

Swimming -T4
Our hubs aquatics sessions will be on a Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. We will also be having an extra swimming session this Tuesday, where a swimming teacher from Kiwi Swim Safe will be working with the children. We ask that the children bring their togs to school everyday, as at this time of year with school trips we may get the opportunity to use the school pool on another day. We did manage to get into the pool last week.  We are focusing on safety and basic swimming skills for the remainder of the term.  Beach Ed is wonderful at discussing  safety at the beach as we head into the school holidays.

Class Trips
Further information about our class trips and activities in week 10 will be coming out nearer the time.

Enjoy the week!
Adela and Julie



  • Whiteboards, pens and pencils are needed everyday in the classroom - please check your child has these!
  • Keep up the daily reading!
  • Athletics Day - Wednesday (postponement day Thursday 24th November)
  • Return any signed notices for our up and coming trips please

Dear Parents

Your children all coped extremely well with an unsettled week due to the earthquakes. These times bring out the best in so many of our children.  They demonstrate resilience, empathy towards others and maturity in dealing with the disruptions, tiredness and the anxieties they may have.  Do talk to us if you have any concerns we should know about.

This Wednesday is our Athletics Day.  We do hope that you might get along at some stage to support your child.  We have been doing a lot of work on learning to use the correct techniques, and at Year 3 and 4 the focus is on participation, doing your best, encouraging your peers, being a good sport and putting into practise the skills that you have learnt!  Of course there are children that enjoy the competitiveness of sport and so we hope that this is an opportunity for them to strive, shine and aim for their own goals!  Fingers crossed for great weather!  Children will need to wear:
  • House coloured clothing
  • A sunhat
  • Sunblock
  • Sensible shoes and shorts

A good lunch and drink is recommended!

Keep checking our class blog.  There is a lot of updates always being added and there will be reminders about up and coming class events added as needed!

We have had a few cases of headlice in the class. Could you please continue to check your child’s hair and treat if necessary. If headlice  are caught early it does help to stop them spreading and for families not  to have to keep retreating their child’s hair.

Swimming -T4
Our hubs aquatics sessions will be on a Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. We ask that the children bring their togs to school everyday, as at this time of year with school trips we may get the opportunity to use the school pool on another day.

Class Trips
Thank you to all the parents who have offered to help with our trips this term. Our helpers for the Living Springs trip are: Sarah (Arabella’s mum), Michelle (Harry’s mum), Melanie (Lily's mum), Liz (Nicholas’ mum), Paul (Olivia's dad), Mrs Edmond (Sam H’s grandmother) Moreen (Tahnul’s mum) and Sue (Sam Y’s mum).
We will require all the parents who have offered to help with our Beach Education trip so far and can take a few more. If you missed out on the Living Springs trip and would now like to join us at the beach please let us know.

Enjoy the week!
Adela and Julie


Dear Parents

We had a lot of fun selling our treats at the Bake Sale last Thursday! There was such a variety of treats.  A huge thank you for your support! We managed to raise a good amount of money for the team which was lots of fun counting too!

This week we have two release days to do assessment. It was
wonderful listening to children read individually last week and seeing how much they have grown in confidence, understanding more complex texts and finding hidden meanings.  This week we will be doing Maths and Writing assessments. These 1:1 ‘interviews’ are only part of the picture that helps us build our Overall Teacher Judgement. This information is then shared with you in the end of year report.

The next fortnight the children have a Reading Bingo to work on independently  in class.  We continue to be impressed at the level of self regulation that our children are developing - this is such an important quality as we move children towards more child driven learning cultures. Some children require more guidance and support than others, and we are lucky to have wonderful role models within our class!  

Keep checking our class blog.  There is a lot of updates always being added and there will be reminders about up and coming class events added as needed!

Class Trips
Thank you to all the parents who have offered to help with our trips this term. Our helpers for the Living Springs trip are: Sarah (Arabella’s mum), Michelle (Harry’s mum), Melanie (Lily's mum), Liz (Nicholas’ mum), Paul (Olivia's dad), Mrs Edmond (Sam H’s grandmother) and Sue (Sam Y’s mum).
We will require all the parents who have offered to help with our Beach Education trip so far and can take a few more. If you missed out on the Living Springs trip and would now like to join us at the beach please let us know.

Enjoy the week!

Adela and Julie


Dear Parents
Show week is upon us!  We hope the weather plays its part for a warm Show Day.  

This week we get into the swing of assessments!  We will be looking at Maths, Reading and Writing and there will be a lot of individual testing. This data is then used, in conjunction with the work the children are doing across the curriculum, to report to you in our end of year reports.  We have a number of release days in the next few weeks to do this and will have relievers in our classroom so that we can work together.

Class Trips
Thank you to those who have returned signed permission slips to school.  There are a small number outstanding. We have been very lucky to have a lot of parents wanting to join us on trips this year.  We apologise if your assistance is not required - we have tried to balance this out throughout the year!

This week the children will bring home a browsing book to read that they may have read independently in class. We will be doing individual assessments during reading time.  The children have been doing a lot of online research the last few weeks and presenting this in a variety of ways.  We have been very impressed with  the extent of their research and findings and their innovative presentation methods!

Year 3/4 Bake Sale – Thursday 10th November
We would appreciate it if the children could bring some baking to school to sell at our bake sale on Thursday. All the year 3/4 children will be involved in pricing and selling their items on the day.

Enjoy the week!
Adela and Julie


  • Sunhats are now COMPULSORY for Term 4
  • Whiteboards, pens and pencils are needed everyday in the classroom - please check your child has these!
  • Keep up the daily reading!
  • Do you have terracotta pots we can have in the classroom for our art topic on decoupage?

Dear Parents

We hope you enjoyed a great weekend - albeit quite wet!  The rain is making our job of watering our potatoes quite easy!  Hopefully your child is telling you all about the things we are learning in relation to plants and growing!

Year 3/4 Bake Sale – Thursday 10th November

Your child should have brought home a note about the year 3/4 ‘Bake Sale’.  We would appreciate your support to help raise funds for our Outdoor Education Experiences this term.
CALENDARS - Orders by Friday 4th November
These are now finished and can be looked at in the school office. Orders should be put in the Drop Box (by the School Office) by the end of this week.  The children have created wonderful masterpieces and I do hope you make the time to go and see their work.

This week we will begin our athletic sessions in P.E. The Year 3/4 Athletics Day will be on Wednesday 23rd November with the postponement day being Thursday 24th November.

Please keep devices coming into school. With us doing work on SOLE during reading sessions, the more devices we have to use the better!

Please make time to continue working on basic facts and times tables at home.  Being able to quickly recall these means that children can begin to understand and work on solving more complex problems.

Enjoy the week!
Adela and Julie


Dear Parents
We hope you enjoyed a lovely three day weekend - wouldn’t it be great to have more of those!  The term is well underway and we have been doing a lot of great learning around our ‘Get Growing’ topic.  Out little gardens are growing and we look forward to learning more about what plants need to thrive in the coming weeks!

Do you have access to terracotta pots?  If you do, please come and see us in the classroom.  We would like to use these to make decoupage pots!

These are now finished and can be looked at in the school office before orders are put in.  The children have created wonderful masterpieces and I do hope you make the time to go and see their work.

Please keep devices coming into school. With us doing work on SOLE during reading sessions, the more devices we have to use the better!

Please keep up the reading.  As well as having books from school, the children are doing a lot of reading online with their SOLE learning.  We are learning to use some fabulous apps for presenting information thanks to our class techie experts!

Year 3/4 Bake Sale – Thursday 10th November
Your child should have brought home a separate note today about the year 3/4 ‘Bake Sale’.  We would appreciate your support to help raise funds for our Outdoor Education Experiences this term.
PTA - Bingo Babes
The PTA do a wonderful job raising funds for St Albans School and are hosting a Bingo Night on Friday 18th November. Tickets can be purchased at the Office and Oak Leaf Café.

Enjoy the week!
Adela and Julie


  • Sunhats are now COMPULSORY for Term 4
  • Athletics sports later this term - more information to come.
  • Whiteboards, pens and pencils are needed everyday in the classroom - please check your child has these!
  • Keep up the daily reading!
  • Photo money to be returned to school with orders!
  • Mufti Day - this WEDNESDAY

Dear Parents

It was great to get back into the routine of school again last week.  We enjoyed hearing what the children did in the holidays.


Our learning about ‘seeds and growing’ is well underway and it was great to see what prior knowledge the children brought to our discussions.  We have planted our little gardens pots and also have got our ‘Potato Growing’ challenge underway!  

SOLE Learning

Last week we began working in SOLE groups at reading time where we are investigating ‘big questions’.  These are very mini inquiries and encourage the children to work collaboratively, to find information to meaningful questions and to then present their findings to others. These are all important life skills and we will enjoy watching the children discover answers to new questions.
These are now finished and can be looked at in the school office before orders are put in.  The children have created wonderful masterpieces and I do hope you make the time to go and see their work.

This is happening in Week 7 of this term.  That gives us plenty of time to get in a lot of practise on learning and using correct techniques as we perform.  We will begin this as part of our weekly sport session in the next few weeks.

Please keep devices coming into school.  With us doing work on SOLE during reading sessions, the more devices we have to use the better!

Enjoy the week!
Adela and Julie


Dear Parents
We hope you had a fantastic holiday.  The year is racing by and Term 4 is already upon us!  This is an 11 week term, with the final week just being the Monday and Tuesday at school.  We are sure it will fly by!

We welcome Jade to our class from Cromwell.  Jade is in Year 4.  We hope you enjoy life in Room 15.

Thank you for your support with our shared lunch on the last day of the term.  It was great to taste so many yummy foods from a range of nationalities!

This term our topic of study is Seeds and Growth.  If you have been shopping at New World and have collected the little pots for planting, then we would love to grow these in the classroom.  We plan to grow a range of plants and find out ways that we can promote growth, see what plants need to survive and what impact plants have on our world.

After a successful term of researching and inquiring into new topics, we will continue to work collaboratively in groups to try and answer BIG QUESTIONS through a programme/inquiry method called SOLE - self organised learning environments.  Initially there will be a little bit of direction from us as teachers before children can begin to make choices about who they would like to work with.

Our maths interchange for numeracy will begin this week.  Continuing to work on basic facts and tables is an on-going focus. Please see us if you require some probes sheets. We will be doing another basic facts assessment early this term.

This term we will be looking at Athletics and then Swimming as part of our PE programme.  Details on Athletics Day will come out later.

The focus for our spelling programme is learning the spelling patterns and rules and being able to apply them correctly to other words. If the children find their spelling words easy they are encouraged to find 4 more challenging words to learn that follow the same pattern.  This week we are looking at belonging apostrophes and the difference from plural words ending in ‘s’.

Enjoy the week!
Adela and Julie


Dear Families

The last week is upon us!  This term has flown by!  We all enjoyed a wonderful day of celebrating our many cultures on Thursday. Thank you for your support – there are some photos on our blog.

Shared Lunch
This Friday we will be having a shared lunch, with food from the country your child researched.  Hopefully they have given you an idea of what this is!  If you are finding it too hard to make something from your nation, then we will be more than happy for you to bring in some New Zealand cuisine to share. The children will also require a separate plate to eat their food from. We will be begin our lunch at 12.00pm.

Orana Park
Thank you to the parents who joined us on this trip.  It was a great trip, with lots of learning taking place.  We have written some great reports on the lions from our visit and will be creating a digital presentation on another animal from Orana Park this week.

This week we will begin the annual calendar fundraiser.  If you have a black thin sharpie your child can use or some water coloured pencils, we would LOVE to use these on Wednesday and Thursday.  We will give out the pliers that were brought in for the wire art this week as well.

There is no set spelling home learning for the last week of term.

We have a focus on comprehension and retell this week.  These are two very important parts of reading!  Discuss the texts your child has and remember to keep up the reading of personal favourites. Make sure you visit the library in the holidays to choose books for leisure reading.

Next term we will begin our PE topic of athletics. 
More details will come out regarding the Year 3-4 Athletics Day, early next term.

Our Inquiry next term will be on Seeds and Growth.  New World is running a promotion on this if you shop there – please collect the seedlings for our class learning.  During the holidays, the children may want to begin collecting resources to bring in for sharing.

Have a great holiday!  Be safe!
Adela and Julie


Dear Families

Today we will have experienced a wonderful time at Orana Park.  Thank you to our parent helpers.  We will be doing work on Communication based around the trip in the next two weeks.

Country Study
Our Country Study work is now complete!  Some of these are on the class blog and some are in the classroom.  The children really enjoyed learning about a different culture and many of the skills we gained in this research is listed on our class blog. The children will get the opportunity to share their findings with the Rimu and Totara Hubs in the last week of the term. 

Shared Lunch
We will be having a class shared lunch on the last day of the term (Friday 23rd September) to celebrate our learning about a European Country. We ask that each child tries to bring a plate of food to share that comes from the country they have been studying. Please do not stress about this - if you are busy or can’t find something from that nation, something to share from the NZ cuisine is fine!  Further details will follow.

Wire Art
Our wire birds and faces are on display in the classroom.  They look amazing!  Thank you to those who came in to help and a bit thanks to Wendy for working 1:1 with many of the children to help them complete them.

Inquiry Celebration
This Thursday will be our whole school Inquiry Celebration. The Kapahaka and Wearable Arts children will perform for us and it is also our International Food Day for those who ordered.  Children can come in their ‘national dress’ if they wish.

The next two weeks will be spent in our own classes for maths, with a focus on Geometry.

Enjoy the week!
Adela and Julie


Dear Families

Today Mrs Worthington and Mrs Brown were on a Professional Development day with the Rimu/Totara team. We got a lot done!  Thanks to Mrs Evans for being in our room.

School Photos
This THURSDAY we will be having our school photos.  Please make sure your child is wearing the correct winter uniform for these – no light blue T shirts. We also ask that children wear their school sweatshirt not a polar fleece for the photo - plus remember to bring your best smiles!

Union Meeting
A reminder that this Wednesday, teachers will be going to a union meeting from 12.30 and we would appreciate the support of families by picking up your children at 12.30pm if you canSupervision will be provided for any children left at school. If you have yet to complete the pink form your child brought home on Friday, please can you do so and return it to school tomorrow.

Country Study
Our country studies are starting to take shape!  We are using Thinglink, iMovie and Keynote to make digital presentations, and many are opting to make a visual poster.  If possible your child may need to print some pictures at home – they will discuss this with you!

With the country study work requiring a lot of teacher intervention, it has meant some days we are not able to listen to all the reading groups.  The children are still reading as they research and find information about their country, and we still encourage them to read books from their reading folders or from their own home collections.

Orana Park
Thank you to all the parents who offered to help, we had more helpers than we required and so we will keep those parents at the top of the list for any other trips later this year. Our parent helpers for the Orana Park trip are Lauren (Kairu), Michelle (Harry), Lisa (Matthew) and Rachel (Jacob).
The children will need to wear warm clothing (mufti), rain jacket incase of light showers, suitable shoes for walking and have their water bottle and lunchbox. We will be leaving school at 9am prompt, so ask that the children arrive at school by 8:50 – it is not the day to be late!

Enjoy the week!
Adela and Julie

Dear Families

Last week we had a great time creating our wire birds.  It required a lot of patience, as well as giving something new and challenging a go!  Well done to everyone!  Come in and see the birds on display later this week.
 We will be doing more wire art this week so please send the pliers along again.  We would love to have you join us from 2-3pm on Thursday if you can spare the time.

Christchurch Library Visit
Christchurch library staff will be visiting Room 15 tomorrow (Tuesday) to promote the love of reading and using mobile technology. It will now be at a slightly earlier time – 9:10-10:10 - you are welcome to join us.

Poetry Competition
Well done to our class contestants who performed in the “poetry competition.”  You overcame a lot of nerves and performed admirably in front of a large audience!

Maths Books
We are all in need of a second maths book.  The book we use is a 1H5.  If you can please purchase one at the school office or a stationery shop it would be greatly appreciated.  Children who go to Ms Ashby for Maths will not need one. Many children are also in need of a whiteboard pen, a blue pen and some pencils to have at school.  Please talk to your child about their stationery requirements.

Country Study
This week we are working on collating our data from our Country Study research, into a presentation.  Some children are choosing to do posters and some will present theirs digitally.  If you have some stencils that you can use for headings, then they would be useful at school.  Special pens and felts may also come in handy to create bright and colourful posters.

Enjoy the week!
Adela and Julie


Dear Families

We have reached the halfway point of the term!
We have loved watching the Olympics and now move onto our study of a European country as a follow on. This will culminate in a shared lunch with food from the country we are researching.  More details will follow.

Poetry Competition
Thank you for helping your child with learning their poems for the poetry competition.  It can be very nerve racking standing up in front of an audience, so the more opportunities to do this from an early age make this less daunting!  Well done to Charlotte, Olivia, Matthew and Lily for being chosen as our class representatives for the Middle Team competition on Wednesday.

Maths Books
We are all in need of a second maths book, with the exception of the children who go to Anna Ashby’s class for maths.  The book we use is a 1H5.  If you can please purchase one it would be greatly appreciated.  Many children are also in need of a whiteboard pen, a blue pen and some pencils to have at school.  Please talk to your child about their stationery requirements and making sure that they are named.

Wire Art
We plan to begin some wire art this Thursday. If you have some small pliers for twisting, bending and cutting the wire, they would be very useful in the classroom.  We would love some help with these next week – more details will be in next week’s newsletter.

Olympic Booklets
We have been working on Olympic Booklets during the last few weeks at school.  As we are now moving onto a focus on a European Culture, the children may bring their booklets home and work on them at home if they wish.

We are completely out of tissues in class. If you are able to donate a box of tissues we would appreciate it.

Enjoy the week!
Adela and Julie


Dear Families

Welcome to Week 4.  The excitement of the Olympics has built during the week and the children are enjoying the work we are doing in class. We are following the NZ team with pride and enjoying seeing some sports we don’t know much about!  Each child has a European country they are also finding out about – ask them what they have learnt!  Having an iPad at school to use is making the research so much easier.  If your child has one they can bring, we welcome these into the classroom, but please don’t feel the need to buy a new one as we do have a class set of devices the children can use.

Poetry Competition
Our class competition will take place this THURSDAY AUGUST 18th at 11am. Please help your child learn their poem off by heart by then.  We are working on these in class too, with a focus on expression, clarity, volume and speaking at a suitable pace – not too fast! We look forward to seeing the children present and hope you can join us!

Olympic Quiz
Well done to the children checking out our Olympic Quiz Questions. Check out the blog each day to see if you can answer our questions.

Our session on Wednesday was a lot of fun!  We will have our second session this Wednesday. Please remember appropriate shoes.

The Construction at School
You will see that our build is underway. There has been a lot of fencing put up to keep our children safe, and we have talked to our children about being safe by NOT GOING INTO THE CONSTRUCTION SITE.  We encourage you to reiterate this message at home please.

Enjoy the week. With the colder mornings we encourage suitable, warm clothing!  Fleeces can come off by morning tea as our room begins to get very hot by then and we want all our children being able to focus on their learning!

Enjoy the week!
Adela and Julie


Dear Families

The chilly mornings have really set in!  Brrr!  No snow but we can keep our fingers crossed for some white stuff before the end of the winter!  Welcome back to Mrs Worthington – you will be finding the weather a bit colder than where you have come from!

Poetry Competition
Thank you to those of you who have helped your child choose an appropriate poem. Check out our class blog for information on the presentation. We will be practicing these in class but encourage the children to work on these at home too so that your child will know them off by heart.  Our class competition will take part on THURSDAY AUGUST 18 at 11am.  We hope you can join us!

iPads are now welcomed to the classroom as part of our BYOD launch! We will be using these a lot during literacy and inquiry times as we begin our Olympic Study. They can be brought to school each day. Please make sure you have your iPad in a named protective case.  We will lock them away during break times. A signed BYOD permission must be signed before devices can be used at school.

We are going to be making some Rio Masks for art on Thursday. Feathers, sequens, stars and glitter paints would be greatly received! 

Maths Week
This week is Maths week!  We will be looking at problem solving activities in class.  Make a conscious effort to check out the school maths blog to do some extra maths!

Olympic Quiz
Check out our class blog each day for a ‘daily quiz question’ about the Rio Olympics! We look forward to getting your answers!

Enjoy the week!
Dear Families

Welcome to Week 2!  It was a terrible week of illness for me last week!  I am doing much better, but was without my voice for quite a few days, as well as a bad cough and head cold!  Fingers crossed that I have done my winter illnesses – it has been a long time since I had been so unwell!  A wee reminder to keep sick children at home as the classroom is a fabulous place to spread bugs!

Poetry Competition
You have hopefully received your notice about the Middle School Poetry Competition taking place in Week 5.  There is all the information you need on our class blog.  We will hold our class competition in Week 5 – I will confirm dates with Julie later this week.  We would like the name of the poem your child is presenting by Friday.  If your child would like to give us a copy of the poem, it means we are able to help them on the day if they get stuck!  For new families, the poetry competition is a St Albans tradition and is a great way of developing confidence at speaking in front of others. All children recite a poem in front of their class, with three being chosen to go into the finals! Please come and see me if you have any questions.

iPads are now welcomed to the classroom as part of our BYOD launch! We will be using these a lot during the literacy and inquiry topics we are currently doing on the Olympics. We will not require devices at school everyday, and some days we will say ‘no devices required’! Please make sure you have your iPad in a named protective case.  We will lock them away during break times. A signed BYOD permission must be signed before devices can be used at school.

It would be a great idea to have a book in the reading folder that your child can read for ‘pleasure’ in the afternoon ‘independent’ reading times.  We do read our class reader again during this time, but having a favourite chapter book at school is also a great option

Sorry about the confusion of the wrong home learning sheet being glued in on Monday – we have got it right this week!

We are going to be making some Rio Masks for art. Feathers, sequens, stars and glitter paints would be greatly received! 

Enjoy the week!


Dear Families

Welcome back to Term 3.  The holidays went by quickly!  It was great to have such amazing weather.  I spent a week in beautiful Tekapo, as well as time pottering around home with my children. We enjoyed watching the BFG this weekend – I can recommend this as a great movie – try encouraging your child to read the book too!  Mrs Worthington is having a great time and will be back next THURSDAY.  Until then, I will enjoy being in the classroom fulltime!

Home Learning
We kick the term off with the usual home learning – and a big focus on reading for pleasure! Whilst they sometimes seem easy, the spelling words focus on spelling patterns/sounds. Some children will now move onto increasing their vocabulary with more challenging words.  It is very important that your child knows WHAT each word means. This may mean they use a dictionary to find out the meaning, or having a discussion with you about their words. Please support them with this.

We are going to be doing a lot of work this term based on the Rio Olympics. This allows us to look at different countries and cultures, the lifestyle of athletes, the history of the Olympics and being able to research and present information.  I know the children will love this topic – I can’t wait!  You can ignite interest at home by starting to gather any interesting articles you can find on the Rio games.

To start this term, we would love all children to have enough pens/pencils etc to make sure life runs smoothly in the classroom.  Please check the home learning checklist for what your child will need to have at school ASAP!. Taking responsibility for our belongings is an essential life skill!  Naming belongings goes a long way to helping us with this!

Continue to read our blog often so that you can see what is happening in our classroom.  Additional home learning activities and important notices are posted on here regularly.

Enjoy the week!

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